
Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Last month, Ted’s ipad went missing. Since Dan wasn’t working, we couldn’t replace it, until today. I downloaded his stuff on the new one from the icloud thing, and found THREE VIDEOS by the thief (or child of). PLEASE pass this on. The ipad was Ted’s way of communicating (we have an app called TapSpeak). He’s been lost without it. Even though we replaced it, there was plenty of contact info on the ipad. They could have got it back to is. PLEASE help us find this family. IF you’re in Dubuque especially PLEASE PASS THIS ON. The most recent 3 videos are the kid with the ipad. PLEASE HELP US.

With more digging into the ipad, we found an email address for the person who has it, too.  It was obvious it belonged to a child because of the apps on it. There were also apps that had the word AUTISM in the title.  Lastly, besides the communications software, there were other apps that would indicate that it belonged to someone who had some sort of disability or cognitive problems.  The parents of this kid had to know. They knew enough to turn off FIND MY IPHONE, but not enough to realize I had it automatically sending stuff to icloud.

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Image via Wikipedia

One of the first apps I got on my son’s iPad was something I wanted for myself. The Monster at the End of This Book was one of my favorite books growing up.  When I saw it was at the iPad store, and it still had Grover, and not Elmo (which they had when my daughter was the age for this), I had to download it!

It keeps true to story, and is interactive in a seamless, appropriate manner.  It encourages the child to be involved in the story, in subtle ways. If they still don’t get what to do on a page, Grover will hint, building up the hints until the work is done.  He does it in a way, though, that suits the story. “Whatever you do, don’t touch that. Not that corner over there. That will make the page turn. You don’t want to turn the page!” Things like that, and maybe a bit of a flicker or flash to show where the child should touch.

My son is completely non-verbal, and can’t really read much at all.  He’s never been interested in reading, either.  He’ll look at I Spy books, or flip through something with a character he likes, but not much more than that.  After a while, though, Ted would read along with the book, running his finger under each word as it was said. Each word comes on the page one at a time as Grover says it, and he’s really starting to learn the relationship between what is said and what the word looks like. That interaction is probably helping him read more than the constant drilling we’ve done over the years in school, in therapy, and in the home.  He reads it every night before going to bed.  He also is engaged with it more than most other apps, without perseverating on it, reading it over and over for hours on end.  It’s also made a great reward for his educators and his therapists, because he will work for enough stars to have time with this app.

I’ve seen a number of children’s e-books, and apps based on children’s books. This is probably our favorite, and save for a handful of others, one of the better crafted ones. You can tell that not only did the software developers know what they were doing, educators and other professionals who know about development of literacy skills and children were involved. All the little touches not only make this app more enjoyable, but are a great way to help an emerging reader.

This award-winning app is $3.99 at the Apple App  store.

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We finally got Ted an iPad, primarily for use as an AAC device, but we knew there were other apps out there that might be useful.  We’ve found autism related apps, educational apps, some really fun apps for rewards, and lots of communication apps.  We also found a fantastic case for it, too!

It’s a shame that insurance does not cover these. An AAC device starts at around 3k.  An iPad with a good case, good AAC software, and some other apps? About 1k.  But the insurance would rather pay 3k and up, because those devices are for communication only.  Heaven forbid someone has something that can be used for things other than the intended purpose. They’d rather throw money away. No wonder premiums are so high.  Insurance companies will not use common sense when it comes to deciding what to pay, and what not to pay.

I hope to be reviewing some of the apps we’re using.  The whole experience is a real game changer. It’s made an impressive difference in my son’s life.

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If you’re a parent with a child on the spectrum, you’ve probably responded to the same annoying remarks and questions a thousand times. Here’s a handy list of responses that…you’ll probably never use out loud (but are fun to imagine using)!

via Top 10 snappy answers to annoying comments about autism | Autism Support Network.

I need to memorize these…

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I made this video today, based on actual conversations over the years.


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I posted this on Facebook after watching my wall explode with opinions all over the place, very heated. Just wanted my opinion out there. This just happens to be a day that my husband is working on the Memorial downtown. I want to say that when we took my kids down there once when he was working on another site down there, fixing it, rebuilding one of the damaged buildings not too long after 9/11. My son was a bit concerned, because what was happening, what was that big hole in the ground? I told him what happened that people like his dad were rebuilding it, and making things better. I pointed to the workers on the building, fixing it, making it whole again.

So here’s what I had to say on FB:

I am somewhat bemused that as Facebook is exploding with Muslim Mosque hysteria, my husband is at this moment building the memorial to the victims of 9/11. Put your money where your mouth is, and help REBUILD our nation, instead of tearing each other down. I think his actually being in the dirt and heat and sweating does more honor to the victims and our nation than whining about a building expanding blocks away. Ask why the site is STILL not finished. Where is the glory? The honor? Instead, there are squabbles like filthy animals in the muck. Is THAT the America you want to be?

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My son started Camp Bee A Friend this week. This camp pairs off children on the autism spectrum with their typically developing peers, sharing the camp experience together. It’s not about therapy, academics, things like that, it is camp. Real camp with camp activities. Fishing and swimming and crafts and lunch and songs and games and sports and all the typical day camp stuff — something that kids on the spectrum, particularly ones like mine, don’t really get to experience.

Now, one of my fears with Ted is that he’d be alone when we were gone. That the only people who would be with him would be obligated to. Family members, and people who work with him. Maybe a roommate in an apartment or group home. It’s one of the things that makes me sad, the thought my son may never have a partner, a family, a social life. He’s still non verbal, and he doesn’t really notice other people a lot. He doesn’t interact, usually. And since there are a lot of things he doesn’t understand, what could he bring to the table, friendship-wise? This breaks my heart on a regular basis. I try not to think about it, because it makes me want to die inside.

Well, when he got on the bus to go to camp, another kid came by. He looked at the open doors, looked over the seats, and said, “I want to sit next to Ted!” I smiled, I made a pleasant remark to one of the staff members standing there (as well as continued to discuss how Ted doesn’t eat lunch) and left.

And then proceeded to cry the entire drive home.

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Does it sound wrong for a mom to want her child to be ill?

If he was sick, then there would be a reason for what’s going on now. The crying, the screaming, the agitation, the misery, the sheer hopeless attitude he has right now.

If he isn’t sick, then it’s that random autism who knows what the hell is wrong now, and then it is back to specialists again. Psychiatrists and psychologists and developmental pediatricians and behaviorists and neurologists and it just goes to “I guess it’s the autism”. Which isn’t much of an answer at all, it might as well be, “I guess it’s because the sun is hot and water is wet and it is Sunday.”

So I hope he has a bug. Nothing bad, just maybe an upset stomach or stuffed nose or sore throat or something that will go away, and he’ll be back to his usual happy self again. Of course, since he is ‘non verbal’, I don’t know what hurts. His head, his heart, his eyes, his nose, his throat, his tummy, his ears, who knows?

No one WANTS their child sick, of course, but in our case, it beats the alternative.

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Dear Ma,
I’m sorry when we talk I only ask for more stuff,
I’m sorry I don’t tell you how much I love you enough.
I’m sorry I don’t call when I plan to come home late,
I’m sorry I take it out on you, when I’m not feeling great.
I’m sorry I’m so lazy, it couldnt’ hurt to do another chore,
I’m sorry that although you give me all you can, I always ask for more.
I’m sorry.

Thank you for putting up with me and my bratty attitude,
Thanks for understanding and asking what’s wrong when I’m in a terrible mood.
Thanks for being so very strong when dad’s a thousand miles away,
Thanks for asking “How was school?” at the end of every day.
Thanks for suffering through child labor in a hospital for hours,
Thanks for paying the gas, electric, & water bill — it’s nice to have hot showers. [:
Thank you.

I love you even though we sometimes fight and argue,
I love you cause I need you and life wouldn’t be the same without you.
I love you cause I can tell you everything, you’re my very best friend,
I loved you when I was a little baby, and I’ll still love you ’til the end.
I love you, cause Ma, without you, I wouldn’t even be here.
I love you not just on Mother’s Day but every day of every year.
I love ya!

Happy Mother’s Day.

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(I post this every year, if I remember. I usually do. Going back to at least 2003.)

This post is to those who may have a very hard time today.

Relationships with mothers are very complex. So today may not be a day that has you all excited like so many others.

There are people I know who have no one to call, to give flowers to, today. They could put flowers on a headstone if they live close enough, but otherwise they have their memories, their photos. If I could be some sort of universal mother and speak some special mommy language, no matter how old you are, I would love to say to your moms look how beautiful your children turned out. And I could tell you with almost 100% certainty (and not 100% because there is always the cynic in me) that they are giving you that love from wherever they are. That their influence on you has marked your life. Those of you that I know who read this, who are having a day like this, are people that I would be proud of to have my kids turn out the same. Even if you think your life is perfect. Even if you think (and not all of you do) that maybe mom wouldn’t have been happy with your life. We know that our kids aren’t always what or who we want them to be, but we do want you happy. So don’t feel that way. Mom loves you. Happy Mothers Day to your mom.

Then — oh this one is personal to me — moms of angels. I know there are some on my list who have ‘only’ angel babies. Or those who have both — but still know that in their hearts it is still hard. Having the wonderful children I have doesn’t mean I don’t love my angels. I do. They are still my children. In one book I read, they were talking about how the final incarnation before heaven/nirvana/etc. has to be a perfect life. The life of a child not born, or died young, is as ‘perfect’ as it could be. No bile, no anger, nothing to work out. Somehow that gave me comfort. I know the awful awful pain of sitting that first mother’s day afterward, hoping someone would say something, but no one saying anything. Wanting acknowledgment for your child. You ARE a mother. Don’t forget that. If no one else says so, I say so. Happy Mothers Day.

Then to those I know who don’t have physical custody of their children. This also includes people on my list who may have children they put up for adoption, not just those who don’t have custody, or share custody, or whatever. Sometimes you have to do what you have to, for the best interests of your child. And you know what? Yourself. Nothing wrong with saying that. If you are still getting your life together, then you have to take care of yourself. Its hard to take care of another life if you are still tending to yours. And some may be in custody fights now. And don’t have your kids around. But that doesn’t make you less of a mom because you didn’t win a court case. You are still a mom. That doesn’t change. Happy Mothers Day.

There are those who can never have children. Beyond the possibilities of modern medicine. Today can’t be easy. So many questions (usually just WHY), looking around at women pushing carriages and people getting flowers. I still see women who would make great parents. Even if you don’t feel adoption or foster care is not the answer, you are no less a woman because of your reproductive system, and I find in my friends like that a nurturing in other parts of their lives. Other people, art, science, life, politics! You give birth every time you create, you mother every time you hold the hand of someone who needs it held, comfort someone who needs it. Ovaries don’t make a mom. Happy Mother’s Day on behalf of the people you mother, the life you give to the world around us.

Then this one is the hardest. Those who have had abusive mothers. Difficult or absent mothers. Moms aren’t perfect, and I am not going to get on my mom soapbox and tell you HONOR THY MOTHER. Today is hard for you. But I hope you found your comfort, your love, your guidance somewhere else in your life. You are brave souls, who made your own mothers when you had nothing else. Happy mothers day to you, because you deserve the credit for picking yourselves up and making it this far in life.

You know, for every situation here, I know more than one person it suits, who reads this. But I still thought of you individually. So no, I didn’t blab private stories, because I blended them, but I didn’t forget you either, by just pulling stuff out of a hat.

There are lots of other people who deserve to have a good day today, but I felt those groups were the most neglected.

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